
A fond farewell to my Unix boyfriend

Filed under: — Aprille @ 4:43 pm

A poem in celebration of the ITS career of Dan Wittenberg:

You are the Unix-est guy I know.
At Redhat Linux, you don’t blow.
When WebCT got stupid and broken
I always called you. This poem is a token
Of my appreciation for all you’ve done.
I hope that your future is better than a rerun
Of Mork and Mindy or Mr. Ed.
I’m glad you’re just changing jobs and not dead.

This is not a good poem, poetically speaking. The meter is truly awful, and rhyming couplets…I mean, seriously.

But still, it’s nice to have a good server dude on your side, and I will miss Dan. I hope this Howard Meadows character is a good replacement.

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