
Update on main wedding website

Filed under: — Aprille @ 7:18 pm

In my free moments here at Trivia, I’ve made a couple of updates to our registry info on our main wedding website. I also added a link to it on this page.

I wonder if it’s confusing that I have a wedding category on the blog (which is just little wedding-related updates as assimilated into my regular life) as well as the main wedding site. Oh well. Only…lemme count on my fingers…six more months and I’ll scrap the whole thing.

Holy crap, I’m getting married in six months. I can’t believe I’m sacrificing an entire weekend when I could be talking to caterers and tent rental services. Augh.

Trivia day 2

Filed under: — Aprille @ 1:01 pm

It’s about 1 p.m. Saturday (I realize this is not necessary for me to tell you, due to the time/date stamp on this post).

I got a good night’s sleep last night, which is a benefit of having a big team; there are enough hardcore people to stay up all night that I can sleep. This is good because I am firmly opposed to ever seeing a sunrise. They are very depressing.

The contest is going well so far. Denny invented a slick little program that calculates our points. He is smart. I also enjoyed playing with the dog. I ate some Cheetos. I can only make short, declarative sentences.

Sample question: The 1984 invention with patent #US4429685 is used to grow what?

Answer: Unicorns


Filed under: — Aprille @ 12:51 am

It’s 12:49. Do you know where your trivia are?

Question: At what British university can you earn a graduate degree by playing Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear, and Madden Football?

Answer: Sheffield Hallum University

That was question 15. Only about 320 more to go. Oh my.

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