
Anal-retentive item of the day

Filed under: — Aprille @ 9:23 am

Here is something that bugs me:  the use of a comma in a sentence like “Brown shoes are what make me, me” (sic).

What?  Why would there be a comma in that sentence?  Let’s think of an analogous sentence: “Brown shoes are what make me a coalminer.”  It’s the same exact sentence, structurally, but no one would write “Brown shoes are what make me, a coalminer.”

I understand why in spoken language one might want to pause between the repeated words, because otherwise it sounds like “Brown shoes are what make Mimi.”  Still, just because you pause doesn’t mean there should be a comma there.

Next up: appostrophes do not signifiy plurality except in a few very unusual cases, people.

(I try not to be a prescriptive grammarian because I find it pompous and rude. I was just feeling a little ranty about it this morning.)

Somebody (hi, Sean!) told me the other day that he and another person we know were watching a movie with Julia Stiles in it, and she said something pleasant and reassuring, and the both said, “Aprille!”

I’ve been told a few times that I remind people of Julia Stiles (I think maybe more in voice and speech patterns than looks, although she’s lovely and I would take that as a compliment too), but Sean pointed out that it was the fact that she said something reassuring, which he said is something I do.

I was not aware that I do that.   I suppose it’s a nice enough thing to do, but it’s funny to be recognized for a characteristic I didn’t know I had.

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