
Happy Blog Day 2006

Filed under: — Aprille @ 10:46 am

Update:  aw, crap.  Turns out real Blog Day was yesterday, but I just didn’t get my feeds refreshed fast enough to catch on.  Oh well, I’m still celebrating.

Depending on how much web surfing you do, you may know that today is Blog Day (see also ). To celebrate, I am taking part in the official Blog Day activity, which is to list 5 blogs I like in order to introduce them to newcomers. If you’d like to do the same, please just use the BlogDay2006 tag in your post like I did in my parenthetical note and list and describe your favorite blogs. I think technically these are supposed to be new blogs, but I don’t know what’s new and what’s not, so I’m just posting my favorites.

1. Permanent Monday. Even if my friend Chris didn’t write this, I would still read it. This is a daily or near-daily analysis of the Garfield comic strip that goes to a depth that is fascinating and not nearly as annoying as you might think.

2. Ideas in Food. This is a non-slick, very honest blog written by two chefs who genuinely enjoy experimentation and aren’t uptight about talking about what works and what doesn’t. It’s cutting edge yet feels very fresh and straightforward, unlike some of the super-lush food blogs out there that can be intimidating.

3. 101 Cookbooks. This blog, based on the premise that the author had a whole lot of cookbooks and wanted to try out recipes from them, is beautifully photographed. It’s also more health-conscious (usually vegetarian or vegan) than a lot of food blogs out there.

4. The Superficial. This unapologetically nasty celebrity gossip blog doesn’t pretend that it matters. It’s just snarky, funny comments on pop culture (warning: it can be crude). Best yet: full photos in the RSS feed, which is unusual in pop culture blogs.

5. Nordijus. More beautiful food photography, less approachable than some other blogs because of complexity of recipes and pesky metric system, but really breathtakingly lovely. I especially enjoy the thumbnail navigation style. Beware: the RSS feed is almost unreadable.

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