
You know you’re a mommy when…

Filed under: — Aprille @ 8:39 am

All the sleep books say it’s really important to have a nighttime routine, so we’ve been doing that quite conscientiously (not that the sleep is going wonderfully, but for the time being, I’m blaming the teething).  Last night, Miles and I were doing our ritual of saying night-night to his animal pictures on his walls, when I caught my toe under his crib.

You know that horrible commercial where the evil foot fungus lifts up the guy’s toenail like the hood of a car?  It was sort of like that, except (thank all that is good and attached-toenaily) only about halfway up, not all the way.

Still, it was quite painful and, while not gushingly bloody, bloody enough that it made me feel kind of pukey when I looked at it.  BUT…

You know you’re a mommy when you hobble through the rest of the ritual, because you’ll be damned if you’re going to let that ruin what progress you’ve made on the whole night-night situation.  So we said goodnight to all the animals, y ahora [entonces] en español: buenas noches cerdo, ow ow ow, buenas noches caballito de mar, ow ow ow, buenas noches cebra, ow ow ow…

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