
Three Miles Movies

Filed under: — Aprille @ 9:16 pm

I’m posting the most recent one first, because it’s the most exciting and important.  My baby can walk, if you define walk rather loosely.  All three are around a minute.

Some window time, then more with the box.  Includes great baby toddler laughter.

Playing games with Mubby and Skittergramps; also some vocal stylings.


Filed under: — Aprille @ 11:08 am

Getting molars sucks.  I remember when my wisdom teeth grew in.  I was lucky to have non-impacted wisdom teeth—that is, they just grew in like regular teeth.  That made their eventual extraction easier, but at the time they were cutting through my gums, it was quite painful.

Poor Miles is getting molars now, and it’s been rough on him.  Last night he woke up twice screaming.  Note:  it is not unusual for him to wake up twice or more in a night, but normally it’s fast and easy to get him back to sleep.  Last night, though, it was hard to get him calmed down.  Denny ended up sleeping in the recliner for a good chunk of the night with Miles on his chest, which is the only way the poor little guy seemed to get any rest.  I tried letting him sleep on me in bed, which he seemed to like okay, but it wasn’t very sustainable because he kept scootching up until his head was on my throat and I couldn’t breathe.

In better news, Miles is getting a lot more comfortable at Jessa’s.  This morning when I dropped him off, he cried as I kissed him goodbye, but then Jessa took him onto her lap and played with him facing the other direction.  He had stopped crying by the time I was out the door, and when I called to check in later, she said he was fine after that.  I did hear him being a little owly in the background when I called, but I think that was because he was getting tired after his difficult night.

Really, though, I feel better now than I did 24 hours ago.  I’ve been spending almost my whole weekends working on this film, and even though I bail out earlier than most of the cast/crew in order to be home to put Miles to bed, it’s still exhausting, especially with a job and family.  In casual conversations with other crew members, I’ve found that very few of them have kids.  I guess it’s just inconsistent with the filmmaking life.

I don’t plan to be involved with any more films until my youngest (future, currently nonexistent) child is at least 7 or 8.  It’s just too much.  I guess it’s good that Denny and Miles have been having so much daddy/son time, but I miss them both terribly while I’m on set, and I feel like when I get home I’m so tired I can’t be the mommy I want to be.  At least I have weekday afternoons with him, Monday through Thursday anyway (Fridays are shooting days).  It’ll all be over by the end of the month.

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