
The first joke

Filed under: — Aprille @ 11:08 am

I think Miles made his first joke yesterday afternoon.  We were goofing around, playing on the bed, talking about relatives (or “our big family,” as we call them).  He’s quite adept at saying Uncle Joe, and he loves doing it.  After a bit of general squirreliness, he said “Uncle…NO.”

I laughed and said, “Do you mean Uncle Joe?”

He shook his head and said it again.  “Uncle NO!”  He laughed and laughed, and he said it about twenty more times.

I think he’s starting to understand rhymes and puns, because later that night as we were reading bedtime stories, he spontaneously listed a bunch of rhyming words:  Ty, guy, Mi (short for Miles), buy, ni.  I blame/credit the high penetration of Dr. Seuss books in our home library.

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