

Filed under: — Aprille @ 10:45 am

Last night was just awful. It’s pretty common for Miles to have a stretch in the night/early morning where he doesn’t want to sleep and has to be walked around, but last night that time was spent with him SCREAMING. We couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. None of the usual suspect causes were an issue. He just screamed. For a really long time. I told Denny he should call in sick today, but he was anxious to go to work. Something tells me he needed the break.

Anyway…this morning, Miles slept for about two hours in my arms, then when he woke up he gave me about six huge smiles in a row.

Evolution knew what it was doing, people. Those smiles are what keep us from sending him off to college very early.

4 responses to “Redemption”

  1. Katy O says:

    Oh dear,
    I haven’t had a night like that yet…
    I’m not looking forward to it.
    Lucia loves her binkey and will more often than not allow to be plugged when things get rough. She’s a regular Maggie Simpson.

  2. mark says:

    We never used a pacifier with Ava; who knows whether it would’ve saved us from losing sleep? I’m sure there was some justification for it at the time, but I don’t recall it now.

    Aren’t these conflicting feelings wild? I still don’t understand how people who have kids with colic don’t simply jump off the nearest railroad trestle in despair.

  3. Janet says:

    Sorry about your rough night, maybe it’s a growth spurt since he’s just over 6 weeks, normal growth spurts are the 3’s and 6’s, 3 and 6 weeks and 3 and 6 months (or around those times). Hope you have a better night tonight.
    You are so right, the smiles and good moments make up for the bad, I have a 16 mo. old and that’s still the case 🙂 hang in there

  4. Scott says:

    I am a random lurker, but felt compelled to comment. I’m certain you get tons of unsolicited advice, so feel free ignore this. My six month old daughter would also do the screaming for on reason thing, and we found that the sound of a hairdryer would calm her down almost immediately (too bad we didn’t discover this until she was two months old). We just turn the hairdryer on high a few feet from her and (obviously) don’t point it at her. It may not work for your baby, but it is worth a shot.

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