

Filed under: — Aprille @ 2:19 pm

Miles has his shots tomorrow afternoon. I’m going to have to work very hard not to pass on my debilitating fear of injections. It’s not needles; I don’t mind having blood drawn (much).  Just the intramuscular squirt that makes me swoon. It’s weird, because objectively speaking, it hurts about a million times less than, say, childbirth, and probably even less than a sound toe-stubbing. It’s a psychological hangup and I would really rather Miles didn’t get it from me.

I think this is a case where progress and animal instinct conflict. I know intellectually that getting Miles his shots will help protect from a variety of bad things I don’t want him to get, but speaking from a mama bear perspective, it feels completely wrong to take him into a small room and not only allow but facilitate a person stabbing him with sharp objects. It hasn’t been very long in the human evolutionary process that such a thing could be construed as positive.

4 responses to “Shots”

  1. Skittergramps says:

    Be brave for your baby. You can do this.

  2. Aprille says:

    Oh, he’ll have his shots. I might just be the one using the barf rag we keep in the diaper bag.

  3. Yeah, shots suck, but they’re the necessary evil. A word of advice? They tell you to give them Tylenol afterwards for about 24 hours, but we always give Keston a dose about 20 minutes *before* the shots. It doesn’t stop him screaming during, but he quiets down very quickly afterwards and usually sleeps a ton. Highly recommended if you weren’t already going to do it.

  4. Janet says:

    also recommended if you’re still breastfeeding is nursing immediately after the shots. Basically, the nurse finishes the shots, you get Miles back in your arms and ask the nurse if you can stay in the room to breastfeed. I’m sure it will be no problem and it’s the best comfort of all 🙂

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