
I am a registry stalker

Filed under: — Aprille @ 12:26 pm

So I was scanning through one of our online registries today, and it turns out that someone got us the square plate and bowl sets! I’m so excited, because I really, really love those. Whee! It’s a little creepy of me that I’m going through the registries, scanning to see what’s been purchased. Oh well, I guess I’ll just be creepy. It’s handy, because we have some items that are basically duplicates at a couple of different places, so if I see that it’s been purchased at one place, I can take it off the other list.

Can you believe that people used to do this all by hand and in person? Yikes.

This is cheering me up after the dress incident. Oh, also I am going to make banana bread. I just found out that Denny loves banana bread. I, too, love banana bread. I had no idea we had that in common. I already knew we both love morels, and we’ve been enjoying that particular pleasure over the last couple of days. Banana bread can mesh nicely into my healthy eating plan, because the bananas are moist enough that it can be very low-fat.

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