
4 days

Filed under: — Aprille @ 12:36 pm

…really 3 days, because once Friday comes, the runaway train starts running. Away.

The forecast has changed; now it’s supposed be sunny for the next week, starting tomorrow. That’s good for me, bad for the plants, because it’s been droughty here. Our tomatoes are doing well, though. We’ve been eating lots of Early Girls and have a couple of Beefsteaks almost ready. I hope we don’t miss a whole lot of them while we’re on our honeymoon. I think we’ve got enough little green ones to last us a while, though.

I’m having all these fantasies about the delicious things I’m going to cook after the wedding. I’ve been getting all these cool kitchen tools as shower gifts, and I really want to try them out. The problem is I have this not-being-able-to-stop problem when it comes to baked goods. It’s a lot easier for me to eat zero cookies than one. I’m a lot more likely to eat five. Mmm…five cookies.

What I really want to make is a peach pie.

And a cheesecake (maybe mini-cheesecakes, since I got some mini springform pans).

And oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies.

And game hens with roasted asparagus and cornbread stuffing.

And a key lime pie.

And rhubarb barbs.

It’s been too hot to use the oven lately, but today is strangely cool. However, I don’t think I have time for any baking tonight; the to-do list is too long, though I’m actually plowing through that pretty well. Last night I finished up my tasks for the day and realized there’s really not much more I can do between now and Thursday, when the real last-minute preparations come due. It made me nervous not to do anything. I watched stupid TV (Laguna Beach on MTV, to be specific. Do you think Kristin and Steven will get back together??).

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