
Things that annoy me

Filed under: — Aprille @ 12:05 pm
  1. People who refer to their spouses or significant others as “my better half.” What, you’re only half a person on your own? And worse yet, you’re a crappy half-person? Get some self-respect, JERK.
  2. How the only nasal decongestant that really works is the spray stuff, and you can’t keep using that or you’ll get addicted and be an Afrin junkie. Weak.
  3. “Conversations” that are not actually conversations at all, but opportunities for someone to perform and show off how clever he/she is while having no interest in the contributions of the other person in the conversation.

Come to think of it, if someone who is inclined to #3 commits #1, it may well be accurate. Hm.

11 responses to “Things that annoy me”

  1. Danny says:

    So you had a good weekend at Trivia, eh?

    1. I do not use that exact phrase, but the sentiment is not far off. I am immeasurably improved by my relationship with my wife (I clean house, I cook real food, I love and am loved, I respect myself). She is not, perhaps, my better half, but she betters my half of us. How’s that?

    2. This past September I finally gave up, and visited an allergist for my coma-inducing seasonal allergies. I had used a nasal spray the week before, something I bought OTC at Walgreen’s, and it was so incredibly effective it scared the bejesus out of me, and I stopped. My allergist was glad when I told her that, and prescribed Zyrtec-D and some other nasal thing. The Zyrtec was so effective I haven’t cracked the seal on the sample of the nasal stuff, much less filled the prescription for it.

    3. In conversations like that I like to zone out and find some facial tic or mannerism about these people that I can use to entertain myself. Sometimes for years to come.

  2. map says:

    If this is what happens to a person when they’re exposed to 50 straight hours of trivia, well, I’ll remain unenlightened. I’m bitter enough as it is. 🙂

  3. Aprille says:

    Hehe…I’m actually feeling much better today. My irritable post yesterday was tied to a specific individual who was really getting to me in my unhealthy and sleep-deprived state.

    Trivia was pretty fun.

    And Danny, I like your explanation of #1. That seems very enlightened.

  4. Michael says:

    You forgot that nasal decongestants cannot be used extensively lest they eat a hole through the bridge of your nose. Isn’t that delightful?

  5. map says:

    Come to think of it, “significant other” is kind of dumb, too. Are all my others insignificant? If ya can’t stand having your boyfriend or girlfriend called as much in public, maybe you ought just leave them at home.

  6. emily says:

    I have a bit of an aversion to the word(s) boyfriend/girlfriend. I guess my opinion is why do I have to have any label for him in public? Why can’t I run into Aprille and say “Oh, Aprille – I don’t think you’ve met Brett yet. Brett, this is my good friend, Aprille.” Maybe I just like to keep people guessing.

  7. Aprille says:

    WHO’S BRETT!??


  8. Danny says:

    Hi emily, my name is Danny. I used to work with Aprille.

    In introducing Brett to Aprille, you have managed to label Aprille, as your “good friend.” So not labelling Brett (“Hi, this is my over-the-hill-but-still-dreamy-quarterback friend Brett”) is clearly an active act of defiance.

    Bully! (as in…)

  9. emily says:

    Yes, Brett Favre. 🙂 Right you are, Danny. Snap.

  10. lettie says:

    a less interesting comment from me regarding #2. Have you ever tried the Vicks inhaler? I love those things…in fact, I kind of need to use one now since I have a little cold.

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