
division of labor

Filed under: — Aprille @ 3:27 pm

So DC and I are doing this obligatory pre-marriage counseling thing (which is fine; I kind of wanted to do something like that anyway, and then my uncle, who is performing the ceremony, gave us the materials). The first step involved filling out this long survey about a variety of topics. The questions ranged from the silly (True or false: “I feel I am talented at many things”) to the genuinely useful (True or false: “My partner and I are satisfied with the division of chores in our household”).

To that end, Denny and I struck up a deal today. This evening, a woman is going to come by to look at the apartment that we will be vacating pretty soon. I abhor tidying. I also abhor being in the same room as Denny when he’s tidying (it makes me nervous and gives me painful flashbacks of tense childhood moments). Denny hates grocery shopping, and we’re almost out of food.

The deal: I will go grocery shopping if he will tidy the apartment.

I’m going to get the required groceries to make the following tasty dishes:

  • Baked snapper in tomato-orange sauce
  • Pork tenderloin with apples and sweet potatoes
  • Spicy Caribbean chicken

Depending on how they turn out, I may or may not post recipes.

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