
Almost Roob’s birthday

Filed under: — Aprille @ 5:33 pm

I was going to send a birthday card to Ruby today, since she’s got the big 300 x 10-1 coming up (did I get that scientific notation right? It’s been freaking YEARS since I’ve done that). Unfortunately, I couldn’t find her new address and the mail has already gone out for the day. I hope I can find it by tomorrow, or there’s no chance she’ll get it on time. I was kind of pressing my luck trying to get it to her if I’d mailed it today.

Albert Einstein never memorized anything that could be written down. He didn’t know his own address by heart. I wish I could say I was doing enough other stuff with my brain that that was my excuse.

2 responses to “Almost Roob’s birthday”

  1. morgan says:

    300×10^-1 is correct (as long as you were going for 30), however the point of scientific notation is to simplify very large or very small numbers. What you have done is made 30 more complicated. Of course this isn’t all that complicated you could have said:

    “she’s got the big e^Ï€+.2594” But this is only accurate to a few thousandths so you’d also have to say “she’s got the big e^Ï€+.2594 +/- 1.44 mins.”

    I also did not take into account significant digits.

  2. plexxer says:

    I don’t memorize stuff that can be easily accessed, either; however, stuff usually gets stuck in there through repeated usage or exposure. Now if I could turn THAT off, I’d sure I could dedicate more neurons to the important stuff.

    To put it simply, I can’t remember all the Trigonometric Basic Identities, yet I’ll be damned if I’ll ever rid myself of ‘two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.’


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