
So silly

Filed under: — Aprille @ 4:06 pm

Do you want to hear something hilariously ridiculous?

Okay, so there’s this software package I support (online learning stuff), and it’s kind of infamous for having bizarre interdependencies and bugs that don’t make any sense.  Here’s the latest I’ve heard.

A student may get prematurely kicked out of a quiz (seeming as if the allotted time has expired when it has not) IF he/she was taking the quiz under these conditions:  it is the last day of the month in a month with 30 days, when the following month has 31 days.


As far as I can tell, that’s any month with 30 days, but that’s how the product support people explained it.

Blow me down and pick me up!

3 responses to “So silly”

  1. Joe M says:

    I don’t intend to snarky, but Is this one of those instances where technology enhances our lives so much? Were pen and paper quizzes and tests that horrendously buggy? Or must we use computers to expedite everything in a system where thousands of students are being herded through a system of mediocre higher education?

  2. Aprille says:

    This is a flaw with this particular product. This is NOT how the technology is supposed to work.

    I don’t think technology is the answer to everything, but it has a valuable role in education. It’s just frustrating when I’m trying to support a product that behaves so erratically.

    Kind of like…just because Pintos used to catch fire sometimes doesn’t mean cars are worthless and we should just go back to horses and buggies (too stinky!).

    I did love my dad’s Pinto, though. He had it towed away to the junkyard when I was about 3. I cried and cried and clung to his legs.

  3. Heidi says:

    Sounds like Blackboard…..I recently got a degree at a school that’s pretty reliant on it.

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