

Filed under: — Aprille @ 4:30 pm

I was in a training session for Desire 2 Learn all day today, and I will be again for the next two days. I hope nobody else needs anything from me on the job front. Now I understand how the participants in our sessions feel. It’s hard to sit through an all-day training session.

The weekend was mostly uneventful. I visited my grandmother and assorted other relatives on Saturday. Denny was unable to come because he was sick. He’s still sort of sick, but he’s improving.

I tried to go running yesterday but I got thwarted HARDCORE! First I went to the Fieldhouse (waited in line forever to get into the parking ramp, too) but the Cultural Diversity Festival was going on and the track was closed. Now, I’ve got no quarrel with cultural diversity. The food smelled great. However, I was not there to eat delicious eggrolls, I was there to run. After that I went to the rec building (after calling Denny to have him tell me how to get there), and that was closed for a tennis meet!

After that I gave up. It was all too daunting. But I am very much going running in half an hour. I haven’t run in over a week. I’ll probably fall over due to tiredness. PLOP.

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