
Cute babies

Filed under: — Aprille @ 6:11 pm

Today it was so beautiful out that Denny and I took a walk over lunch (actually I had to run a couple of errands, but we dawdled because it was so nice). The most fun part was going to the Ped Mall and watching the cute little kids play in the fountain. That’s really one of my favorite summertime leisure activities in Iowa City. There was this one little guy, probably about 12 months old, with a little round tummy. He was really having fun waving his hands around, interrupting the fountain flow and splashing himself and others.

There was this other little dude who was probably 3 or 4. He was carrying around a bag of Cheetos, and at one point he dropped one on the ground. He started shouting at his mother to draw her attention to the predicament. She said, “Can you pick it up and throw it in the garbage?” He bent down, picked it up…and stuck it in his mouth. Gross! That kid’s going to get worms, I tell you what.

I have heard that it’s important for children to consume some particular amount of e-coli to develop resistence to it. Maybe that’s what his mom was telling herself.

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