
Survey says…

Filed under: — Aprille @ 9:54 am

Copying Lettie

I know some people find these tiresome, but I really enjoy it when other people post them. So feel free to copy it from me and do it yourself. I like learning more about my friends. Come to think of it, I like learning more about my enemies, too. It helps me defend myself with knowledge.

1) What color are your kitchen plates? We have white square ones and cobalt blue glass ones. We use the square ones for fancy things and the blue ones for food prep and casual eating.
2) What book are you reading now? I just bought two books: a Cadogan Guide to Italy and a Rough Guide to Rome. I need to go to the library and get some fiction, though.
3) What’s on your mouse pad? It’s black with the Women’s Resource and Action Center logo on it. They gave it to me after I did some volunteer stuff with them. They’re nice.
4) What’s your favorite board game? I really like Trivial Pursuit, but lately I’ve enjoyed Time’s Up, which is a game I learned about from my cousins.
5) Favorite magazine? Probably Cooking Light or Food and Wine.
6) Favorite smell? DC’s face right after he shaves. It smells like shaving cream and fresh skin. There are also about a million food smells I love, like apple pie in the oven.
7) Least favorite smell? Hog confinement lots. Pew, pew! They’re worse than skunks.
8) What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? “Is Denny going to take first shower or am I?”
9) Favorite color(s)? Cobalt, turquoise, aqua…all the bluey greens.
10) Least favorite color? Orange. Ugh. I do like squash, though, and that’s pretty orange.
11) How many rings before you answer the phone? Usually three or so. When I hear my phone ring, I make a mad dash to my purse, try to find the phone, and try to answer it before it goes to voice mail. At work I usually get it on the first ring.
12) Future child’s name? I change my mind on that one just about every day. Denny says I like nerd names. It’s probably true since I like nerd people.
13) Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
14) Do you like to drive fast? I drive medium, like right around the speed limit or a little over. That doesn’t count Nebraska, because does anybody actually drive the speed limit through the endless stretch of Nebraska?
15) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Nope. I don’t have the spare bed real estate.
16) Thunderstorms: cool or scary? Cool, unless you’re really tired and driving home from O’Hare in the middle of one. Or rather, unless you’re trying to be a combination of keeping-the-driver-awake fascinating yet not distracting while he drives home from O’Hare.
17) What type was your first car? A little white Geo Prizm named Katoonis. We had good times.
18) If you could meet one person dead or alive, who would it be? Greta Garbo, of course, not that she’d want to talk to me. I’d also like to meet Eleanor Roosevelt. Sometimes I have dreams that I’m friends with celebrities, like Britney Spears or David Bowie or Michael Stipe.
19) Favorite alcoholic drink? Right now, maybe Malbec wines from Argentina. I also really like this peach and lemon cocktail I make.
20) What is your sign and your birthday? Aries: March 24, 1977. Chinese zodiac: snake.
21) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yes, I love broccoli, all parts of it
22) If you could have any job, what would it be? Travel writer! Or posssibly woman of leisure who writes articles and stories and novels when she gets around to it.
23) If you could have any color hair, what would it be? The survey says this as if something is stopping me from having any haircolor I want. Have you ever been to Osco, survey? It’s very easy to have a variety of haircolors. I’m pretty happy with my current one. If I weren’t, I would have a different one.
24) Is the glass half-full or half-empty? It’s all empty, and it’s a mug, not a glass, and I should get some more coffee.
25) Favorite TYPE of movie? I like all different kinds, but I when it comes time to go to the movies, I’m usually in the mood for a comedy.
26) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Yep. I am an orthodox typist, with one exception. I only use the left shift key, and I only use my right thumb on the spacebar.
27) What’s under your bed? Books, magazines, socks maybe.
28) What is your favorite number? 9
29) Favorite sport to watch? What?
30) What is your single biggest fear? My own death. I’m human, it’s our nature.
31) Say one thing about the person who sent this to you. Nobody sent it to me, but because I copied it from Lettie, I’ll say something about her. She was in my homeroom in high school but I didn ‘t really know her at all. It’s been interesting getting to know her in the post-high school internet-based world. She seems really thoughtful and like she has her priorities straight.
32) Person most unlikely to respond to this? I am not going to spam my friends with this via email. That is bad form. People can post their own answers in their own blogs, but I’m not going to boss people around about it.
34) Favorite CD? What’s a CD? I like lots of stuff on my iPods.
35) Favorite TV Show? Probably Carnivale
36) Ketchup or mustard? Both, please. Also pickles.
37) Hamburgers or hot dogs? Hot dogs, I guess. I found these fat-free hotdogs that I like. Denny always gets Hebrew Nationals, which are better, but about a zillion times unhealthier. I don’t even like him to put them too close to my hot dogs, because the oozing grease infects them.
38) Favorite soft drink? Easy to get: Diet Sunkist Lemonade. Hard to get: Lemon Soda, which I’ve only ever had in Italy. I definitely need to get me some of that when we go. It’s really tart and has little lemon chunks in it.
39) The best place you have ever been? Rome is the greatest city in the world. I also really love the north of Spain.
40) What screen saver is on your computer right now? I have this screensaver where you input a search term, and then it goes out and searches Google images on that term. Right now I have it searching pictures of…you guessed it…Rome.
41) Burger King or McDonalds? Wendy’s.
42) What did you want to be when you were little? A cowgirl veteranarian. Things change.

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