
Birthday celebrations

Filed under: — Aprille @ 5:38 pm

The way it always worked in my family, on your actual birthday, you get a home-cooked meal of your choice (I usually picked my dad’s grilled lemon chicken).  Then on a weekend close to your birthday, you got to go out to the restaurant of your choice (I think my brother picked Domino’s Pizza one year, but he’s weird).

I like that tradition, so I’m continuing it in my little family.  Denny’s birthday is actually tomorrow, but I have rehearsal so he’s having his special dinner tonight.  He’s chosen Serrano ham and manchego tapas with bacon-wrapped dates.  I think we’ll save his birthday cake for tomorrow night, though.  I baked it already but I still need to frost it.

As for the dinner out, I think we’ll do a dual birthday celebration some time in Rome.  My late grandmother gave us money for Christmas, and in order to have something to open at the family gathering, I made a little graphic of us eating spaghetti Lady and the Tramp-style.  It will be nice to remember her as we enjoy a dinner.


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