
It’s a Thriller night

Filed under: — Aprille @ 2:28 pm

I plan to try a couple of zucchini recipes over the weekend:  a smooth zucchini-rosemary soup (we also have a prospering rosemary plant) and a zucchini frittata.  One of these days I might also fry up some zucchini blossoms.

I hope zucchini have some good vitamins, because lord knows we’ll be consuming enough of them.  I’ve already made four loaves of zucchini bread.

We also have a thriving pineapple sage plant.  I think I might try to infuse some ice cream with that flavor.  I haven’t really been in the mood for ice cream lately, but I’m not sure what else I could put it in.  I guess I could make zucchini/pineapple sage bread.

Here’s a treat for you that Denny showed me this morning.  I am doing my best to spread it around, because it is truly something wonderful.

Prison inmates reenact the “Thriller” video 

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