
How it went: Night 1

Filed under: — Aprille @ 8:31 am

I am pleased to announce that Night 1 in the crib went pretty darn well.  He still woke up a fair amount of times, but less than he has every night over the last week or so, and I know I slept better in between awakenings.  We got up earlier than usual, but I felt better at 7 than I had at 8:30 in recent days.

My worst fear, which I guess I know was silly but I felt it anyway, was that he would somehow be really miserable and feel like we abandoned him.  I don’t know why I thought that—he does fine in the crib for his naps and has never given me any indication that he feels bad in there.

So, here’s what happened last night:

  • 9:00 p.m.:  last feed of the night.  I went to bed after that, but Denny said Miles went to sleep around 10.
  • 1:30 a.m.:  Miles woke up; I got up and fed him.  He went right back to sleep.
  • 2:00 a.m.:  …or did he?  Denny got up with him this time (which is awesome, because under the old system, I would have been the one to deal with him)
  • 4:30 a.m.:  Another feeding.  He ate well.
  • 6:30 a.m.:  He woke up again, and I think he was just ready to get up for the day.  I personally had fantasies of sleeping a little longer (when I say I went to bed at 9, I actually went to sleep around 11, because I was reading that baby sleep guide and fretting).  I tried feeding him but he didn’t really eat, so I think it was just awakitde and not hunger driving him at that point.  He did doze off again for a while, though.
  • 7:30 a.m.:  Up for real.

That probably sounds like a lot of waking up for anyone else, but compared to recent days at our house, it was pretty good.  We’ll continue to work on teaching him to put himself back to sleep after he wakes up in the night, but for now, it’s just nice to have our bed back.  I sleep so much better without a thrashy baby next to me, when I always have to be semi-aware of his presence so I don’t squish him.

I also think Debi had a good point in her comment yesterday about noises in the room. Someone in our household (I’m not naming names, but it’s not me, and it’s not the spider in the corner) is a bit of a snorer and maybe it was disturbing Miles.

I feel really good this morning.  When I went to get him to get up, he was all smiles, and I was happy to see him instead of feeling grumpy about my poor sleep the night before.  I think we’re on the right track here.

3 responses to “How it went: Night 1”

  1. Danny says:

    Huzzah! That’s all.

  2. mark says:

    “Past Performance Is Not A Guarantee Of Future Returns”

    That said, hurray for Miles (et al)! It’s interesting to see how different kids handle this independence differently. In the winter months we run a humidifier in the room with Ava, which provides background noise and some moisture in the air (duh). In the summer, we run a little fan, primarily for noise, though I’m convinced she’d sleep OK without it.

  3. Danny says:

    We’re weaning Oliver off of his noise machine now. For a couple of months we had it on really low, and now we only turn it on (low, again) if he asks for it. Working out pretty well, and he only wakes up once in the night every three days or so now. Knock on wood.

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