
More fail.

Filed under: — Aprille @ 1:00 pm

Oh, fantastic.  I installed an updated version of Viper’s Video Quicktags, and I can’t activate them.  In my plugins control panel, I click the Activate link, and the returned message is “Plugin deactivated.”  Yep.  Too bad I want it to be activated.

The bad news is that I hosed my earlier, working version of Viper’s Video Quicktags, so now my previously embedded videos don’t work.  Gah.

I desperately need to update WordPress, but I keep putting it off because it always seems like there’s crying and serious downtime involved.  Denny claims he knows a way to make it go smoothly, but I am suspicious.

3 responses to “More fail.”

  1. mark says:

    You must update. Any additional updates will be automagical. Really. It works.

  2. My upgrade to the latest went smoothly, despite my fears. Make sure you take a backup and it should be fine. As Mark says, once you do, it’s slick as snot after.

  3. jack says:

    I kept putting it off too, on the grounds that it was too much like work. The newer version is really nice, though.

    Also wordpress.org sez the current version of Viper’s Video Quicktags *requires* WP2.7. Time to upgrade!

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