
Biggest January Ever

Filed under: — Aprille @ 9:07 am

I thought my month had peaked with the caucuses and the Yahoo News deal.

I was wrong.

Look who I met yesterday.


Sorry for the low-quality image; Denny has lots of nice shots, but he hasn’t downloaded them yet, and I didn’t bring my camera, so this shot is from the iSight.

It was all a big, sudden rush (literally and figuratively). We weren’t expecting him until February 6, and will all the “first time moms always go late” talk, birth wasn’t even on my radar. Young Bisqui, however, had other plans.

Note: he still doesn’t have a legal name. Choosing a boy name was still on our to-do list. We’re working on it.

Here’s what happened, in not-too-grotesque of detail:

1. My water broke at home on Sunday afternoon around 3.
2. Freaked out, we went to the hospital with no bags packed or anything.
3. It turns out I was only having mild contractions.
4. They gave me until 8 to make real progress.
5. I tried all the tricks, but nothing made any cervical change.
6. They induced me with Pitocin.
7. Labor sucks, big-time.
8. I labored on Pitocin (infamous for the strong and painful contractions it causes) starting at 8.
9. At 3 a.m., I was still only 1 cm dilated.
10. I nearly excreted some kind of masonry.
11. Despite my intentions to do a natural delivery, I thought there was no freaking way I could handle it, given the slow progress.
12. 3 centimeters dilation was the soonest they’d give me an epidural, and one can optimistically hope to dilate a centimeter an hour, so at 5:30 I got one.
13. It was so great.
14. It turns out I had actually dilated from 1 centimeter to 7 centimeters between 3 and 5 a.m. No wonder it was so horrific.
15. We all slept until about 9:30, at which time I was dilated enough to push.
16. I pushed out a baby.
17. After being evaluated by the NICU, he was able to join us in our room, since everything looks great health-wise. He was 6 lbs, 9 oz and 18.5 inches long at birth.
18. I love him so much.
19. So does Denny.
20. I love Denny so much.
21. We are seriously going to have a name for him soon. We have a few leads.

I’ll probably be blogging irregularly for a while, but I’ll check in when I can. Thanks.

67 responses to “Biggest January Ever”

  1. Linds says:

    OMG yay!

  2. Linds says:

    OMG yay!

  3. emily says:

    He’s beautiful, Aprille. Thank you for sharing a picture of him, and congratulations to you both! I love you.

  4. Gnine says:

    OMG Aprille! Congratulations to you and Denny. He’s BEAUTIFUL!!!
    I’m glad everyone’s healthy and well. 🙂

  5. Allison says:

    Congrats Aprille and Denny 🙂 What a great little New Year surprise. If it makes you feel any better, Ainsley (my younger one) was 6lbs, 12oz and she came late. Can’t wait to see more of baby Bisquito!

  6. Wade says:

    Congratulations! He looks great, and it’s comforting to see that every hospital across the country uses the same receiving blankets!

  7. Andrew says:


  8. Skittergramps says:

    I am overcome by emotion. I cannot write. You have entered a wonderful new lifestage.

  9. Aimee says:

    He is so beautiful. Congratulations you three! 🙂

  10. Chris says:


  11. Davey C. says:




    NO WAIT!!

  12. Daniel Stout says:

    Congratulations, Aprille and Denny! That is Happy New Year news indeed!

  13. Katy O says:

    Congrats, Aprille!
    I wondered if that is why you hadn’t blogged.
    I’m ready to pop soon too but you beat me to it… sounds like you had a rough time.
    Good job Mom! He’s beautiful.

  14. Nichole says:

    Congratulations! Well done! He’s a handsome little fella.

  15. Morgan says:

    Congrats! Aprille & Denny!
    Also it was my half birthday…just so you know.

  16. Crystal says:

    My heartfelt congratulations, Aprille and Denny! Welcome to the World baby Bisquito.
    I’m sure the coming days and weeks will be filled with family, friends, and excitement. Everyone rest up.

  17. […] Here’s another interesting post I read today by Aprille […]

  18. Jeff says:

    Definitely congratulations. I meant to bring this up sooner but you know what they say about procrastination (if you don’t, I’ll tell you later), you should throw him a birthday party. This is his only “actual” birthday anyway. All the rest are simply anniversaries of his birth.

  19. Rob says:

    Congrats Aprille and Denny, built a great looking kid!

    How about “Ragnar” for a name? Most of my friends who have boys say they are pretty much like little rampaging vikings for the first 12 years or so anyay:)

  20. Brook says:

    Whoa!! Standing for Obama must have really got him excited! He is just the cutest little thing. Labor sounded horrific. I’m glad its over and the 3 of you can get on with enjoying familyhood 🙂

    – Brook (aka Spring-Peeper)

  21. Gaile says:

    Happy Birthday, Baby Boy Bisquito!!

    Way to go mom, congrats, dad. NICE GENES YOU TWO!!

  22. Sam says:

    Congratulations to all of you!

  23. Scott says:

    Woo Hoo! Congrats Aprille and Denny!

  24. Ginger says:

    Congratulations! I’ve been a lurker on your 365 flickr, and a long-time ISCAite (we have friends/acquaintances in common, I’m SunDance), and I actually teared up seeing your beautiful boy after watching the transition over the last year. 🙂 Much joy and brightest blessings to you, Denny, and baby B!

  25. Beanie says:

    Welcome to the world Bisqui! Glad he waited until after the caucus – that would have been a really raucus caucus

  26. Shark says:

    Congratulations!! I am so happy for you! He is absolutely beautiful. I am exhausted after reading your post – I am gonna go have an epidural and lie down for a while. 🙂
    Welcome Bisquito! I heard all about you from your Mommy!

  27. You cannot imagine how happy we are for you. I only wish we were still in IC so we could see him in person. Such a peanut! Congratulations. We love you.

  28. Rangie says:

    We are so happy for you & can’t wait to meet the baby! He’s adorable!

  29. Martie says:

    He is beautiful… Welcome to the world, Bisquito. You have some pretty rockin’ parents.

    Congratulations, you guys 🙂

  30. Jill says:

    Congratulations Aprille! I don’t know you but I feel like I do. When I opened your blog and saw this picture I squealed and, well… #18 made me cry! Congratulations again and all the best to the new little family. What a wonderful time you are going to have. Cyber hugs from Nova Scotia!

  31. Carrie says:

    Wow! Congratulations mama! I am so excited for you! He is such a sweetie.

  32. Carrie says:

    Wow! Congratulations mama! I am so excited for you! He is such a sweetie.

  33. Copious congratulations to the both of you. It’s amazing how fast you can love the little bugger, isn’t it? Enjoy every moment and forget about the world — we’ll be here when you check back in. For now, enjoy the glow. Again — my sincere congrats.

  34. Aunt Carol says:

    Congratulations! We are thrilled to see a picture of our new little great-grand nephew. He is beautiful. Hope you are resting comfortably. Love from Aunt Carol and Uncle Paul

  35. Katy Baggs says:

    Whoa, what a great surprise!!! Seriously, this news just made my day (and probably yours and Denny’s too).

    Wikipedia informs me that this kid shares a birthday with Elvis Presley, Stephen Hawking, and David Bowie. Awesome.

    Have a rest and take lots of pictures. Congratulations, you guys.

  36. Katy Baggs says:

    Oh wait, January SEVENTH: Zora Neale Hurston, Sammo Hung, and cartoonist Charles Addams who created The Addams Family.

  37. Tana says:

    Congrats. I can’t wait to meet my newest little cousin!

  38. Larry says:

    Congratulations. I still vote for Bisqui. What a great name.

  39. Todd says:

    Surprise! Congratulations to the both of you and welcome to parenthood! Way more ups than downs, it’s the best.
    Just think, he’ll be able to caucus in 2028.

  40. Steve Polyak says:

    wow! welcome bisqui, welcome.

  41. Enabnit cousins says:

    Wow! We are SOOO excited for you! Labor sounds like it was awful- don’t you want to just kick the guy (had to have been a guy!) who invented Pitocin and give some sort of award to the epidural creator?! Anyway, I’m glad it all ended so happily! We are so anxious to come down and meet him! Please let us know if there is anything you need or anything we can do. Or if you need to ask someone those really little/weird/slightly strange questions that I had a billion of when I first had Max, please email or call.
    Welcome to the world of parenthood, you two, and welcome to the world at large, little baby! We can’t wait to meet you!!
    Much love – Debi, Brian, Maxwell, and Meredith

  42. Alyssa says:

    Eek! I am most excited about this baby! Let me know if you need any things, though I’m betting the grandparents will be around to help.

    Congratulations to you and Mesch! Yeah! Babies!

  43. Collette says:

    Oh yea. I am excited for you. Now I can watch YOUR son grow up. 🙂 First born babies bring about a special kind of magic and I am so happy for you that you get to have that experience. I actually was thinking of you last night as I was uploading my parents’ video tapes and we had footage of your mom at a dance recital. I’m sure you were in there to, but I wasn’t in the room for the uploading all of the dances. Congratulations to you dozens of times. He is so sweet and good luck with the name! That, to me, is the tough part. Oh, and I’m glad you got an epidural…they rock! 🙂

  44. Nyla says:

    Vote for Bisqui! Congratulations all the way from San Francisco. I have been reading your blog for awhile and this was the best post to date. He looks like a Jack to me…Jack Crall (sounds literary…just think, another writer!). Congratulations to everyone…he is darling!!! 🙂

  45. Suzanne says:

    Regarding names, Joe suggests that “Oswald August” hasn’t been used in awhile! 😉 I’m so thrilled to have a great nephew (I know this even though I haven’t met him, yet!) 🙂

    Keep the pictures coming!


    Aunt Suzy

  46. Geggie says:

    Oh my god! Congratulations! That’s fabulous! I can’t believe he’s here. That’s what the fastest gestation ever…well, from here anyway, I’m sure not for you!

  47. Bethany says:

    Wow from up in Minnesota and from the super-secret online board. Sounds like you are doing well!

  48. Kendra says:

    OMG YAY!! Bisquick 🙂

    he’s gorgeous and jan. babies rock *shares my birthday*

  49. Laura says:

    Nice work, Aprille! I’m so excited for you all and can’t wait to meet the little guy!
    Really though, who needs a name? Maybe you could just put a symbol on the birth certificate and call him “the child formerly known as Bisquito.” It might be a big hit.
    On second thought, he’ll probably be a bit hit no matter what his name.
    Take care of yourself!

  50. Laura says:

    Make that a “big hit” . . .I don’t want anyone thinking I’m condoning violence towards children:)
    Congrats again!

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