
Almost caucus time

Filed under: — Aprille @ 10:57 am

Happy New Year.

You know what I am most excited about happening in the next two days? NO MORE PHONE CALLS AND JUNK MAIL FROM DEMOCRATS.

Listen, Democrats. I like you. I appreciate that you are working hard for something you believe in. However, my opinions are not easily swayed by strangers on the phone. I am most likely to gather my political knowledge from media research (traditional media and blogs) and discussions with family and friends. When you call me, you just annoy me.

I don’t even answer the phone anymore if the caller ID doesn’t show a number I recognize.

Worse yet is the wastefulness of the paper mailings. I realize it’s mind-blowing that spouses could have different last names, but believe it or not, Denny and I do not need two copies of every multi-page, glossy campaign ad. I’m looking at you, John Edwards. Weirder still, we just got one copy of his Christmas card.

It is all a giant mystery.

Also—this just in: sparkling cider is not as good as champagne.

6 responses to “Almost caucus time”

  1. map says:

    For as touchy feely as the Dems are, it’s sad to realize that Iowans become little more than rats to them during election time. They know how important it is for their candidate’s name to be the last one we hear before going off to caucus.

    I doubt a *sip* of bubbly would’ve damaged little Bisqui, but you’re a conscientious mommy for abstaining.

  2. Katy Baggs says:

    Also—this just in: sparkling cider is not as good as champagne.

    Sadly, this is true, I had nothing harder than Hi-C Ecto Cooler on New Year’s because I had to drive myself around.

    I’ve been able to avoid caucus nonsense pretty well so far because all the ads/phone calls I’d be getting have been sent to my parents’ address and number, not here. Boy did I have a lot of mail when I went home for Christmas.

  3. Jeff says:

    Well there’s one perk to living in Delaware. Nobody pays any attention to us. :o)

    Most of Nancy’s family still can’t accept that we have different last names. Even harder for them to believe is that I’m the one who suggested it. In recent years, many people seem to have taken to giving me HER last name! I find it quite funny.

  4. Aprille says:

    The thing is, map, Denny’s not wild about champagne, so it would be stupid to open a bottle and only have a sip of it. I plan to imbibe a bit post-Bisquito-emergence.

  5. Karrey says:

    See, we’ve gotten almost nothing from John Edwards, but TONS of crap from Obama. Grr.

  6. map says:

    I forgot about Denny’s distaste for Champagne. You’re right, that would be a waste.

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