
Elusive independence

Filed under: — Aprille @ 12:52 pm

I was all set to have my first solo adventure today: I had a postpartum check-up, after which I was going to stop by the office, and Denny and I were going to go out for lunch.

I had the timing all perfect: I had showered, gotten dressed, gotten Miles changed (all with a minimum of screaming on either of our parts), and I had him all set in his carseat. I got the carseat clicked into place in my car, got into the driver’s seat, turned the key, and…


All frantic, I called Denny and demanded that he come home from work and pick us up. He was very nice about it. See, I absolutely hate being late for things. I called the clinic and told them I’d be late, but I was still fretting about it, and then I started fretting that my blood pressure would be artificially elevated due to my fretting and I’d flunk my checkup.

Actually it turned out fine. Denny got us there not too late, my blood pressure was normal, and Miles slept through the entire thing. He got a little grumpy during lunch, but we had prepared for that by choosing a table in the very back corner, and I did a very discreet BIP*. After that he was fine.

So yeah, my solo outing was a bit of a wash, but overall the day turned out okay. Of course, it’s not even 1 p.m. yet, and it’s the late afternoon/evening when things tend to really get out of control, so we shall see.

*Breastfeeding In Public

3 responses to “Elusive independence”

  1. Janet says:

    way to go on your first outting and PP check up! You’re doing a great job! Miles is adorable! and way to go with the BIP, too!

  2. Katy Baggs says:

    You should just whip it out and breastfeed while standing on a table in the middle of the restaurant. But then another patron would probably point to Miles and say, “I’LL have what HE’S having” and then you’d have to go injure him.

  3. Ben says:

    It gets easier… until you have two of them. Then it gets harder again.

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