
The Tobin Times #84

Filed under: — Aprille @ 10:40 am

Happy birthday, my wonderful Tobin.

I just dropped you and Miles off for your first day of school.  Your dad said you seemed a little nervous.  I was busy running around taking yearbook photos, so I didn’t get a clear sense of your state of mind, but you seemed okay to me.  I’m sure you’ll settle in and do great.  You have seemed a bit crabbier than usual lately—I don’t know if the responsibility of being a first grader has been weighing on you, or you’re just sad to see summer ending.  Maybe it’s all the extra time you’ve been spending with Miles.  In any case, you’re thrilled with the teacher you were assigned, Mrs. Humrich.  I really like her too, and I’m happy that you’ll be spending first grade with such a kind, warm teacher.  She’s lucky to have you.

Photo by Gary Clarke

You and Miles spent a whole week at Mubby and Skitter’s house, and I’m sure you did all kinds of fun and crazy things.  Mubby sent regular reports, and it sounds like you ate a lot of treats and did a lot of fun things.  You went to a baseball game, went fishing, played miniature golf, went bowling, went to two movies, and more.  I admire Mubby’s energy and willingness to have so much fun with you.  I’m also glad that you’re having so much special time with your grandparents.

We reunited at a wedding, and we had a good time dancing together.  You’re a maniac on the dance floor.  I hope you never turn into a self-conscious preteen who’s too cool to dance (although, to Miles’s credit, he did make it out for a couple of songs).  You have plenty of flair.  At your request, I signed you up for taewkondo through the Rec Center.  That starts on Tuesday.  I hope you can channel some of your energy and benefit from the discipline and focus that come with studying martial arts.  If it turns out you really love it, we may look into a more serious class, but for now the 5-week beginners’ class seems like a good starting point.

We had some good times in August here in town, too.  The City Park amusement rides are closing down after this summer, which is sad but probably a good idea, considering how near collapse they have always seemed.  You and your brothers took a final spin on them, and you were kind enough to always ride in the same airplane as Callum so he wouldn’t be scared.

You also have been very supportive of Callum moving into the bunk bed with you.  He’s migrated back into our room a few times, but he spends most of the night in there, and I’m proud that you’ve been so generous with your space.  I remember you and Miles needing a little time to adjust when you moved into a big bed, so I’m sure he’ll get used to it before long.

Your reading skills have taken off like crazy this summer.  You tore through the Lunch Lady book series, and you’ve been working on reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone all by yourself.  Your dad is re-reading the series to you and Miles now, so you’ll be prepared for our Harry Potter World trip in January, but I’m very impressed with how well you’ve been tackling that big book on your own.  It also helps you not get too wiggly on road trips if you have something to read.

Photo by Denny

Your current favorites:  pepperoni pizza, vegetable beef soup (your request for your birthday dinner), the video game Splatoon, doing elaborate Minecraft projects with Miles, sneaking some Cherry Coke now and then, taking off your shirt, and playing piano.  In fact, your summer piano lessons were such a success that you decided to continue them this school year.

We didn’t do a friends birthday party this year, mostly because of our busy schedule of travel and with school starting so close to your birthday.  We’ll have to get a playdate for you and a couple of your good friends scheduled and make a mini-party of it.  Although you were disappointed that your good friend Ben isn’t in your class this year, your other good friend Aiden is, so that was good news to receive at the ice cream social.  Your teacher said it was fine to bring birthday treats today, so I made several batches of garden popcorn for you to share with your friends.  I can’t wait to pick you up this afternoon and hear all about how the first day went.

You’re a great kid, Tobin, and I’m so happy you’re mine.  I hope you adjust well to life as a first grader and never let anybody steal your spark.  I don’t think there’s much danger of that.  You’re awfully sparky.



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