
The Callum Chronicle #54

Filed under: — Aprille @ 6:44 pm

My sweet Callum,

It’s summertime, the greatest time of the year to be a little kid.  We’ve been working steadily through our summer activity list, including lots of time at the Splash Pad and running around in the backyard playing under the sprinkler and with splort balls.  We had to make a new batch of splort balls, and of course you had to do it ALL BY YOURSELF.  That was tricky, as they require the use of big scissors, so I did what I do so often lately:  try to create the illusion of you doing something by yourself while sneakily guiding the process to keep you safe (and not totally screw up the project).  It worked out okay in the end, and you and Tobin have been having a lot of fun blasting each other with them.

It’s interesting how differently you relate to your two brothers.  Miles enjoys cerebral activities like creating complicated games and intricate Minecraft scenarios.  He also loves setting up activities for you, and you relish his attention.  Sometimes he gets frustrated when you don’t do things quite the way he wants you to, but mostly he’s very patient.  In the photo above, you’re playing with the potions he set up for you.  I think it was supposed to be a lesson about the color wheel with a little practical magic thrown in, but mostly you just liked splashing the colored water around.  In any case, you were happy because he was spending time with you.

With Tobin, you love to get physical.  He’s just as smart as Miles, but he’s a little less patient and methodical and more inclined to run and jump than sit still.  You always have an adventure buddy in Tobin, not only for backyard splashing, but for playground exploration and dance parties.  You two clash sometimes, especially in the car, when you cannot keep your hands to yourself (and Tobin knows special, secret techniques for goading you).  Still, you can always count on Tobin for some good, wild fun.

I was going to say that you’ll miss your brothers when they go back to school in the fall, but you’ll be going as well.  I know you’re going to be proud to go to the same school as Miles and Tobin.  You’ll probably have a bit of anxiety as you transition, though.  You tend to be a little nervous and clingy in new situations, but you’re brave and intrepid in your own way, too.  I have to keep a close eye on you, because you get interested in things and wander off to explore them.

Due to your dad’s travel for work, I ended up managing all three kids at a four-hour-long stint out at the ballpark for your brothers’ games.  That was a situation I mostly avoided thanks to all the baseball management your dad did during the season, and Mubby and Skitter were here to help during most of the time your dad was gone.  That one time, though, I certainly had my hands full.  Fortunately the ballpark is a pretty flat piece of land, so I could see you from most vantage points, but I didn’t get to watch either of your brothers play in their championship games as much as I would have liked.  For the first part of the evening, I plied you with snacks, but a person can only eat so much popcorn and Mike & Ikes before he’s ready to run around petting doggies and chasing wiffle balls.

Photo by Gary Clarke

Your current favorites:  playing Zelda with your dad (both on the Wii U and a live-action adventure version you two invented), bedtimes stories (especially Rumplestiltzkin and Creepy Carrots), taking baths, popsicles, and playing outside.  Fortunately, your spring allergies have mostly subsided, so as long as we keep you on your nightly bath and Zyrtec schedule, outdoor play is back on the table.

We’ve got some fun events coming up during the remaining summer weeks, including a trip to Colorado.  That will give you lots of time outdoors, but it will also mean a long car ride.  We’re going to borrow Skitter’s van, which will help because we can separate you and Tobin.  One thing I learned while they were here is that the 12-inch separation between the two captain’s chairs in the middle row is not enough to keep you from grabbing Tobin’s face.  Why do you have to grab his face?  Why?

You’re becoming such a big boy, and I know you can do most things ALL BY YOURSELF, but I’m glad you still find your way back to me at bedtime.



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