
2 days

Filed under: — Aprille @ 11:24 am

I should have known I wouldn’t be able to keep from posting.

When I was a kid, I had about a thousand pen-pals, one of whom I still keep in touch with, though sporadically now (hi, Justin!). I loved writing and receiving letters, and I was very prolific. I used to write such long letters that all the postage got kind of expensive on my meager kid’s income.

I don’t have any actual pen-pals now, but blogging has become sort of like letter-writing for me. The only tricky thing is that instead of responding to things from my pen-pal’s last letter, I have the whole world to respond to, or more often, what’s going on in my life. That’s why I like the comments section so much. It’s like getting letters from pen-pals. Fortunately I never had any rude anonymous pen-pals, unlike the occasional commenter on here, but the vast majority of the comments I get are kind and fun and interesting, just like a good pen-pal letter should be.

Denny’s off running some errands now, and I’m sitting in my kitchen, having coffee, waiting for my parents to arrive. At that point, Wedding 2005 really swings into high gear. It’s nice to have a few quiet minutes to myself before it all gets crazy. There are some workers doing some labor in my neighbor’s yard, and we have the windows open so I can hear the music they’re playing on their radio. The Rolling Stones’ “Time Is on My Side,” just came on, and that’s one of my favorite mellow songs. It’s nice for this moment.

I can’t wait to get to Nevis. We’ll be there a week from today. We decided to wait until Thursday after the wedding to leave for the honeymoon (actually we’re leaving Wednesday night and spending the night in Chicago before our early flight), just to give us some time to unwind and rest up before the vacation. The nice thing (well, one of the many nice things) about Nevis is that we can have whatever combination of laziness and activeness that we want. If we want to just lie on the beach or by the hotel pool and have the cabana boy fetch us frosty drinks, we can. If we want to snorkel, or climb Mt. Nevis, or go horseback riding, we can. I am beyond excited about that. Oh, that reminds me, Denny was going to look into whether we can use our flex spending account money from our insurance plans to get massages from the hotel spa on the beach. You’re allowed to use flex money for regular massages; why not beach massages? I’m sure all that fresh air is very healthy.

3 responses to “2 days”

  1. emily says:

    You can use flex-spending for massages?!? That is AWESOME. I’m _for sure_ going to look into the details of my flex account.

    I’ve been thinking about you non-stop today. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

  2. Lettie says:

    Good luck with everything, Aprille! I’m sure you will have a fantastic wedding day (and honeymoon).

  3. Melissa says:

    Congratulations Aprille! I’m sure everything will be just beautiful. Have fun on your honeymoon!

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