
Archiving Stuff my People Say (Summer 2018)

Filed under: — Aprille @ 1:32 pm

August 28, 2018:

Callum was playing a game and got thwarted by a pop-up.

C: Will you help me close this…ad…itude?


C: It’s ad-ituding again!

August 27, 2018:

Callum was digging around in his nose.

A: Is it kind of boogery in there?
C: Yes. Can you get it out?

[I make a mostly-feigned attempt.]

A: Sorry, I can’t. Would you like to use a Kleenex and blow your nose?
C: Try your pinkie.

July 19, 2018:

C:  This Pez dispenser has no Pez. Can we fill it with yes Pez?

July 16, 2018:

T: The oldest woman in the world died recently.
M: Who was the oldest man?
T: I don’t have Wikipedia in my head, Miles.

July 10, 2018:

“You piece of… PORK!” –Tobin, insulting Miles as gravely as could muster.

June 26, 2018:

Callum, after accidentally launching a video ad on a game he was playing:

C:  What the heck did I DID?

June 21, 2018:

T: This rain is good for the garden! And the bushes! And the hostages!


June 19, 2018:

A: Dang it, where did I put my coffee?
C, very tenderly: I can give you hug.

June 6, 2018:

T: Were cars invented in your day, Mom?



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