
Avatar abbattoir

Filed under: — Aprille @ 8:55 am

I copied Emily and made myself a Yahoo avatar. No, I am not wearing a sundress and having a picnic at the beach today, but I wish I were. That counts, right? If you have a Yahoo account, you can make one too. Note: I don’t generally recommend getting a Yahoo account, since it is absolutely the most ghetto of its ilk, but the avatar was fun to make.

Yahoo! Avatars

In other news, I really need to take a break from running. I did a relatively hard run last night (not the best I’ve ever done, but the best in a while considering how wussy I’ve been over the holidays), and I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night because my knee hurt, my hips hurt, my quads hurt, and my feet were cold. Why were my feet cold? Well, because I decided to try out the incline feature on the treadmill, which apparently made my feet come into contact with my shoe in a new and interesting way, which gave me a giant blister. Last night before bed I drained the blister and wanted to let it air out overnight, so I slept without socks. Plus I was worried that I hadn’t been properly rehydrating myself lately, so I super-hydrated last night, and you can imagine the racehorse-style results, which further interrupted my sleep (fortunately, really; it would be embarrassing for everyone if I slept through it).

But all is not lost. My coworker Ken and I have decided to drink good coffee instead of the crap they have available at the office. He brought in some organic French Roast Nicaraguan Segovian grounds, I brought in my carafe, and we make a stuck-up private pot to share. It’s slightly awkward in the kitchenette, when I brew a pot, then spirit it away without sharing, but seriously, people. Office coffee is bad.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Cutting back on coffee, blah blah blah.

One response to “Avatar abbattoir”

  1. map says:

    Haven’t you heard? Yahoo! is making a comeback! In any case, it was never as ghetto as Hotmail.

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