
Drugs and cereal

Filed under: — Aprille @ 10:05 am

Oh my gosh, it’s 10 a.m. and I haven’t taken any cold medicine yet today. I just realized that, which is a very good sign. Every single morning in recent memory, I’ve barely stumbled out of bed before I’m hitting the medicine cabinet for Sudafed or DayQuil.

So everybody, what’s your favorite cereal? I really like Raisin Nut Bran and Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds. For pure junk, nothing beats the mouth-cutting goodness of Cap’n Crunch. Most days, though, I eat All Bran with Extra Fiber.

It’s old people cereal. But it’s extremely healthy, and with a packet of Splenda and some cinnamon, it’s actually pretty good. On days when I’m being really extravagant, I drizzle some Madagascar vanilla bean paste (really more like a syrup) on it.

11 responses to “Drugs and cereal”

  1. map says:

    If I were crazy and ate whatever I wanted for breakfast, it’d be either King Vitamin or Golden Grahams. What I usually eat, though, is Cheerios with Vanilla Silk. We always have Cheerios around now.

  2. emily says:

    It’s the daily bowl of heart-healthy Cheerios w/skim milk for me. But the cereals I cheat with are Trix, Golden Grahams, and Apple Jacks.

  3. emily says:

    …in my Strawberry Shortcake bowl. 🙂

  4. Chad says:

    My favorite cereal is Raisin Bran or Special K… I usually get in the mood for Cheerios, though, hehe.

  5. Danny says:

    Okay, so I eat _Autumn Wheat_ from the organic/expensive aisle. Or _Frosted Mini-Wheats_ (Vanilla or Maple, if I can find them). They have lots of fiber. Fiber is Goodâ„¢. I cheat with _Cinnamon Toast Crunch_ and _Peanut Butter Bumpers_, two of the best cereals Man and God have ever created.

  6. map says:

    I just tried to say “Peanut Butter Bumpers” five times fast…and failed.

  7. Katie says:

    1. Smart Start (Antioxidant, Healthy Heart, Healthy Heart w/ brown sugar)
    2. Vanilla Almond Special K
    3. Frosted Mini-Wheats

    And if I was eating cereal as a dessert, I’d go for Reese’s peanut-butter-chocolate cereal or Rice Krispie Treat cereal. Mmmm!

  8. Gary Rogers says:

    Anything with Granola. I pine for Boulder.

  9. map says:

    You cereal freaks might find this story interesting. I can’t wait to see how long I.C.’s very own Cereal Cabinet stays open.

  10. plexxer says:

    During a checkup, my Dr. said my cholesterol was too high, so rather than taking any pharms, I decided to try the natural approach. I started eating oatmeal every morning with milk, banana, atouch of brown sugar and honey – it alone lowered my levels by at least 40 points. Throw in some light exercise (walking, stationary bike), and I am back in the clear. I can pretty much eat anything else as long as I keep the morning regimen. (I also take a garlic supplement each morning)

  11. Give me Grape Nuts or Give me Death. although I did see a new version of Grape Nuts on the Super Bowls ads last night, I may have to give that a try.

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