
Stuff my people say, spring-summer 2021

Filed under: — Aprille @ 9:22 am
April 16, 2021:
C: Pigs are smart.
A: Yes, they are.
C: Can they, like, golf?
April 23, 2021:
Callum: You can’t un-toast toast, because there’s no such thing as an un-toaster.
May 5, 2021:
Callum, who has not yet mastered decimal points, watched me take my temperature last night.
“You’re a thousand!”
You’ll be relieved to know I’m back to 981 this morning.
May 12, 2021:
“He looks like Harry Potter,” Callum said as he watched John Denver for his music assignment. “Only instead of a wand he has a ukulele.”

May 14, 2021:

Callum surprised me by turning up for bedtime in a Spider-Man mask.
A: Oh! I didn’t expect to see Spider-Man.
C: But…did I put on a Spider-Man mask, or did I take OFF a Callum mask?
July 5, 2021
Callum just came in and asked to play King’s Quest. He was trying to decide which one to play, IV or VI.
C: We just played VI yesternight.
July 10, 2021
Tobin has a short-term job doing pet- and plant-care for friends who are on vacation.
T: Could I do it again and use this job as experience?
A: Absolutely.
T: I’ll put it on my residue.
July 25, 2021
We were driving home from picking up Miles and Tobin after they spent a week at my parents’ house. Their grandparents praised them for how kind and polite they were. In our car, they started bickering.
A: Oh, did you use up all your good behavior at Mubby and Skitter’s?
M: They think we’re more polite than we are because they can’t hear very well.
August 9, 2021
Callum wanted to open this new bag of Goldfish crackers. He was headed to the desk to get scissors, then he noticed the label on top. He read it, followed the instructions, and successfully opened the bag. As he was pouring some into his bowl, I heard him say,
“‘Tear here.’ Good tip, bag.”
August 23, 2021
Callum’s teacher read a story about a person who designed a helicopter.
C: What’s an engineer?
A: Someone who designs and builds things. I bet you’d be a good engineer someday.
C: I basically already am.
August 25, 2021
I’ve been really impressed so far with Callum’s teacher for online first grade. She’s organized, confident, uses the technology well, and interacts well with the kids. Tonight I was talking to Callum about how school is going.
A: What do you like the most about Mrs. Davis?
C: I think…her looks. She looks pretty good.

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