
Injury of the chest wall muscle

Filed under: — Aprille @ 10:28 am

So…to make a bad week even worse, I seem to have an inflammation of the muscle on the left side of my chest wall. It started on Monday as a stabbing pain in my chest and shoulder. I’ve had pains like this before, but they always went away in a few minutes. This one didn’t. Denny talked me into going to the doctor, and the good news is that it’s not a heart or lung problem. It’s just a muscle problem. She prescribed me some anti-inflammatories and sent me on my way.

It still hurts, though. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I couldn’t find a comfortable position. It hurts every time I inhale, so I’m giving that up. It’s all exhale, all the time. President Clinton would be so proud.

*sigh* Remember President Clinton? I do. I saw a good bumper sticker the other day:

“When Clinton lied, nobody died.”

Anyway, about the chest muscle. The doctor kept asking me if I’d strained it in any particular way, and I couldn’t think of anything. I’ve been exercising, but nothing especially upper-body heavy, and nothing beyond my usual routine. Then Denny reminded me that I was doing a whole lot of handstands over the weekend, which I suppose could strain a person’s chest muscles.

Pleh. I have a shitty president and I can’t do handstands now? What kind of world is this?

2 responses to “Injury of the chest wall muscle”

  1. Dad says:

    There’s a lot bad about W’s re-election. You know all of it. But for four years, he, Cheney, Carl Rove and BIG BUSINESS must contend with the problems they have made and perpetuated. If the Democrats can pause and think, it should change for the better in ’06 and a big swing back toward correctness in ’08. Very too bad about the Supreme Court, a healthy natural environment, the disparity between rich and poor, other social realities, international relations, health care, education and secular democracy.

    Watch those handstands.

    Your dad,


  2. Ceri Kimmel says:

    Does my workout routine need a little fine tuning or am I ok?

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