
Good morning, Tuesday

Filed under: — Aprille @ 7:04 am

It’s Tuesday morning, the last full day of the conference.  Stuff goes till noon or so tomorrow, but I’m going to miss most of that, since I need to go to the aiport to catch my flight to Chicago, then on to Stockholm and Oslo.  I’m excited to fly SAS; I’ve never flown them before, but my impression of European airlines is generally positive.

I’m also giving a presentation this afternoon, and I must confess I haven’t rehearsed it since my last round of edits and additions.  Everything here so far has been very chill.  Everything except the weather, that is.  There was an outdoor barbecue last night, and there was a big tent, so we weren’t even out in the sun, but it was absolutely sweltering.  We were thinking about going out with some of the D2L staff afterward, but once we got into our nice, air conditioned hotel rooms, going out again seemed like a terrible idea.

I’m feeling kind of tired; I went to sleep at a very reasonable 10:30, but around 1 a.m. I was woken up by my ringing phone.  It turns out one of our Iowa people who had had transportation troubles was downstairs at the hotel, and his credit cards kept getting declined by the cab driver.  So I got up, got dressed, went down and paid for his cab.  He said he’d pay me back today, but I think I’d rather he just did it when we all get back to the states.  Canadian dollars aren’t going to do me any good after about 24 hours.  Then it’s kroner all the way, yo.

Fun fact:  when I type www.google.com into my browser, it automatically redirects to www.google.ca.  Way to go, Canadians!

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