
Hey, I live in my new house now.

Filed under: — Aprille @ 9:05 pm

Themesong of the day:

“Our House,” Madness.

Did you know that I live in our house, in the middle of our street? We got all moved in today. It wasn’t really all that hard; we had great help (hella thanks to Ken, Greg, Mark, Angie, and Dad), and things actually went very smoothly. We had our final meeting with the realtor and the banker and everything, which also went fine. It turns out I have to put my middle initial when I signed things. It was weird. I kept making the “A” wrong because I never write Aprille A. Clarke; I just write Aprille Clarke. But otherwise, it was uneventful. I made Denny high-five me after we signed the last one. I think he was a little embarrassed, because the sellers and the banker and the realtor and the realtor-in-trainer were all there, but I didn’t care. It was a high-fivey moment. Anyway, Denny’s going to have to learn sooner or later that being with me is going to occasionally result in moments that regular people find embarrassing. Not me, due to the TCV (Total Comedy Value) plan, which I have probably talked about before and will again some other time.

Now we’re just basking in our new house. The cable and Internet access are set up (which is how I am posting this). We like the place. It’s not perfect–we need some new details like light fixtures and cabinet hardware and lightswitch faceplates, but we’ll go shopping for those this weekend (hella thanks for the housewarming money, Mom and Dad and Denny-Mom and Denny-Dad).

Now I’m drinking celebratory champagne, which may explain why I’ve used the word hella twice in one post. It was supposed to be for when Kerry won the election, but since that didn’t work out (thanks a lot, Wyoming), we decided to save it for the next festive occasion on the horizon. And here we are.

Our house…in the middle of our street.

Things are nowhere near unpacked, but we’re making progress.

3 responses to “Hey, I live in my new house now.”

  1. erin says:

    super exciting! dont get the lightswitch covers that make it look like the switch/handle part is a dong. those are gross.
    where in town is your house?

  2. Aprille says:

    Yes, dong lightswitch covers are gross. We’re only getting one, and it’s for YOUR ROOM!

    Just kidding.

    The house is on Friendship street, nearish Sycamore mall and the 1st avenue Hy-Vee.

  3. erin says:

    sweet. i get my own room?!
    its like i am your giant baby!
    i should invade you likewise…
    kidding obviously. but seriously i am going to invade you.

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