
Coffee: round two

Filed under: — Aprille @ 11:07 am

Last Thursday and Friday mornings I woke up all chipper and up and at them, which I attribute to being excited about being in the new house. Then I had nice sleepy-inny days on Saturday and Sunday, and let me tell you, the up and at them honeymoon period is over. I wanted to stay in snuggly bed instead of getting up.

But I must have gotten up, because here I am.

This weekend, Jamal and Alyssa came over and we had lunch. I made pita wedges with rosemary, served with hummus, and my special squash soup. Then Jamal and Denny and I worked together to make a chemical apple pie. It wasn’t as gross as it sounds, but it was only OK. It did prove its point, though; it tasted remarkably like an apple pie, much more than I would have imagined from the ingredients.

We also played the Ungame, which is the weirdest and funniest game in the world. It’s very non-competitive, and you have to answer questions about your feelings and stuff. Funniest of all was the fact that it was bought at a garage sale, and the former owners had added some additional questions in the category of Christian Belief. We had to say things like, “Talk about a time when your prayers were answered” or “What does baptism mean to you?” There were also non-Christian questions like “What are the qualities of a good friend?” but those weren’t as funny. You could also land on a square that said “Do your own thing,” and then you could just do whatever you wanted. Sometimes my own thing was to go stir the soup. Another time I went to the bathroom.

Would you like your own Ungame?

7 responses to “Coffee: round two”

  1. Lettie says:

    I HATE the Ungame. Our mom would make us play that on long trips sometimes. Ugh! If the word “Ungame” is mentioned we all run the other way.

    I was wondering if you’ve ever thought of putting some of your recipes on your site. some of the things you make sound so yummy.

  2. plexxer says:

    Chemical Apple Pie> There is an amazing recipe in the South Beach Diet Cookbook for what we call Notatoes… just heat up some frozen cauliflower in the microwave, stick them in a blender with some spray-butter and whatever else you use in your normal mashed potatoes (I add salt, pepper, chives, milk and ranch dressing… mmmm) and blend until it gets to the consistency you like. You’ll be amazed at how close it tastes to mashed potatoes with none of the carbs.

  3. Aprille says:

    Plexxer: Now that’s a good idea. I don’t care about eating carbs (in fact, I’m actively in favor of them), but cauliflower has a whole lot of health benefits absent in potatoes, and it’s lower-calorie too. I may just have to try that.

    Lettie: Actually, I sometimes do post recipes, but they sort of get mooshed in with everything else. I’ve been thinking about adding a cuisine category, and your comment has spurned me on. So thanks!

  4. plexxer says:

    Carbs> Well, I’d just rather save my carbohydrate intake for things like cheesecake and pierogies 🙂

  5. Thanks for the article. It really shows you put a lot of effort into this.

  6. Jillian says:

    Hey, thanks for the great post. Honestly, about four months ago I started a new dieting regime, I’ve been on the chubby side my entire adult life and I’ve tried everything. I found personally that the only thing that worked for me was hard work and putting the effort, take a look at this, it changed my life http://DietingHelp4.cowurl.com. Good luck and thank you for the great tips.

  7. Who wants to go on a silly diet ,haha?. Eat whatever you want to, just keep in mind to keep fit

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