
Monthly Miles Memo #193

Filed under: — Aprille @ 8:21 pm

Hello, my dear.

As we slog through the tedious winter weeks of February, the pastime that has been keeping you the most engaged is film. You’ve been going to movies at Filmscene (putting to good use the Filmscene card you got for Christmas), watching movies on the various streaming platforms we have, and talking about them online and in person. Last weekend, Mubby and Skitter were visiting, and you spent a long time talking with Mubby about the movies that have gotten award nominations this season. You’ve seen a lot more of them than I have, and Mubby likes to go to the movies a lot too, so you had some good conversations. I did go to one movie with you, Past Lives, and I enjoyed it a lot. Mostly I enjoyed having an evening out with you.

You’re not very excited about band anymore these days, but your dad and I want you to keep at least one extracurricular activity. There’s a French film club at your school, and I think you’d find that enriching. Another possibility is robotics club, as a couple of your friends do that. Finally, if you can’t find any sort of team or club, you could get a job. I suggested that you apply to work at Filmscene, citing your multi-year animation camp participation and frequent movie-going as qualifications. You said you looked and they’re not currently hiring, but it seems like it would be a good idea to put out feelers to the people you know there.

Speaking of Mubby and Skitter’s visit, they both so enjoyed how much time you spent with them. Your default at home is to disappear into your room, emerging only for food and sometimes to grab one of the gaming systems from downstairs. Your dad encouraged you to hang out, and you really did more than I expected. It means a lot to them to get to know you as a person. I feel lucky to be having the same opportunity, albeit in smaller doses throughout the days and weeks. You’re becoming a thoughtful, funny, and interesting young adult, and it’s fun to see those sides of you.

We’re getting ready for our Florida Keys trip next month, and depending on how the budget works out, it might be our last trip there while you’re in high school. We’re planning the Great Clarke/Crall Europe Trip for the summer after your senior year, which would also be a Keys year according to our usual schedule. I had initially planned to skip the Keys that year, in order to dedicate more of the travel budget to the Europe trip, but I’m doing pretty well with my Europe trip savings fund. Because we normally go to the Keys out of the general household operating budget, maybe we can still make it happen.

Tobin and Callum are both really pumped about our upcoming trip, but you haven’t shown as much enthusiasm. That might just be your generally chill nature, though. Tobin and I have been planning to do some snorkeling at Pigeon Key, and I suggested that you might like to do it as well. Several trips ago, you did some snorkeling at John Pennekamp State Park. You were young enough that we didn’t get too adventurous, but I think you enjoyed it, and you seemed at least mildly intrigued by the idea of trying it again.

We had some serious winter weather in January, and you were helpful with moving snow. Usually you grumble a bit when asked to do household chores or yard work, and I imagine you grumbled this time too, but you got the work done. We got tons of snow, and we needed the efforts of everyone in family to get it moved. Tobin was busy shoveling our neighbor’s sidewalk, but you, your dad and I got our sidewalk and driveway done. Callum came outside sometimes, but he wasn’t terribly helpful. After all the snow, the temperature plummeted. Between the snow and the cold, you missed a lot of school. From what I understand, you’re now at the limit of how many snow days you can have before the school year has to be extended. The school year is already going late, because the district has added a number of holidays throughout the year (the most recent of which was a four-day weekend in honor of Lunar New Year). While there’s no guarantee we won’t have any more storms, I hope we don’t, because I don’t want your summer to get unduly shrunken.

I admit, though, I enjoyed having you and your brothers around a lot this winter. It was pretty relaxing most of the time, and you had a lot of hot chocolate. Luckily we never lost power or Internet, so your dad was able to work remotely, and you probably watched a lot of movies.


Your current favorites: movies, pasta, Goldfish crackers, Honey Nut Cheerios, ice cream, cozy clothing, walking to school with your friend Jacob, sleeping late, your French and English classes, reading, and playing video games.

I love you, my dear. I’m happy to see you becoming excited about a subject area, and I’m looking forward to watching you grow even more.



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