
The Tobin Times #150

Filed under: — Aprille @ 12:24 pm

Dear Tobin,

Things are looking up around here. You are my number one excitement-sharer for our upcoming trip to the Florida Keys. Perhaps certain members of the family get annoyed with my travel enthusiasm, but lucky for me, I can always count on you to do a wiggly dance as we think about our plans. You talked Callum into a nightly ritual of crossing days off the calendar as our departure approaches, and you’re always up for a scan through the photos of our condo or a visit to the websites of the various restaurants and attractions we’re going to visit. You’ve mentioned several times how excited you are that we’re returning to the same condo we stayed at last time. I agree–not only do we know it’s a nice place, with a fantastic pool and a beautiful beach on-site, but it’s extra special to be able to visualize the space and know what to anticipate.

We have some definite plans and some vague plans, but one thing I know we won’t skip is our morning walks on the beach. You’ve been more into sleeping late as you approach your teen circadian rhythms, but I think I’ll be able to drag you out of bed for a walk on the sand, especially if the foot shower is working.

You’re continuing to take any opportunity you can find to earn money. Whenever a paid research job for your demographic crops up, you always want to sign up for it. Between your lab rat duties, yard work for neighbors, and gift money from grandparents, you’ve got quite a nest egg. You’ve expressed some interest in finance, including possibly taking a financial literacy class as an elective in school next year. Maybe you should take on the task of choosing an investment strategy instead of blowing your earnings on Hot Cheetos.

Earlier this month, you wrapped up the most recent research study you’ve been doing. The researchers had to go back and re-do the brain MRI you started previously, because of a problem with the software they were using. You were slightly annoyed to have to do it again, but you did a good job. I hope it helps you feel less nervous if you have to have an MRI for a legitimate medical reason in the future. You definitely like the payout that comes from these research gigs.

One good outcome of repeating the MRI was that you got your 3D-printed brain in the mail a couple of days later. It’s kind of wild to know that every little groove and wrinkle on that plastic brain represents what’s really in your skull. It’s a lovely brain, and I’m very proud that you’re an important part of scientific research.

All your usual activities have been keeping you busy. You’re finishing up basketball season this week, and it won’t be long before soccer and baseball start. Spring and early summer are always a nonstop time around here, though it gets a little easier once school is out. On the advice of friends who’ve done it in the past, you signed up for a soccer camp in July. Given the amount of socializing you’ve been doing this school year, I foresee another summer full of biking to friends’ houses, going to the pool, and bouncing at the trampoline park. It can be exhausting managing your social schedule, but I see how you thrive with a life full of friends and activities.

Photo by Gary Clarke

Your current favorites: travel planning, hanging out with friends after school, thinking about going to middle school, pizza, cocktail hour, watching shows with your dad at night, and wearing sweats.

Your smile, your laugh, and your zest for life make every day brighter. I can’t wait to walk on the beach with you, my heart.



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