
Anybody want to join us?

Filed under: — Aprille @ 4:09 pm

Alitalia has some cheap fares on flights to Italy and Eastern Europe this winter/spring.


Filed under: — Aprille @ 3:53 pm

I hope some kids come to our house to trick-or-treat.  Last year we got some, but not tons.  It seems like a lot of kids just go to the mall or something.  I guess that’s easier on their parents, but it doesn’t have nearly the romance of dodging door to door, hoping people can see your costume under your coat, trying not to slip on the ice.

It’s not icy tonight, which is good.  It turned chilly today, but the skies are clear.

Maybe Denny will post the pictures of our Halloween costumes soon, the ones we wore last weekend.  They were pretty rad, I thought.  I won’t tell you what they were yet, because I want to do a scroll-down reveal.

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