

Filed under: — Aprille @ 4:30 pm

When I was grocery shopping the other day, they didn’t have any fresh tomatillos, so I bought canned ones for the tomatillo sauce that goes on my burritos.  As I made the sauce last night, I thought, “Oooh, I hope this is as good as fresh tomatillos, because it’s about a billion time easier.”

Sadly, it’s not.  It’s too salty and lacks a certain brightness.  Oh well.

Here’s a little self-indulgence

Filed under: — Aprille @ 10:43 am

Copy if you’re so inclined.  It’s a boring morning.

Examine your life ten years ago: 

Oct. 1996

How old were you?  19
Where did you go to school?  L’Università d’Iowa
Where did you work?  I had a couple of tutoring gigs and taught English to Mexican immigrants.
Where did you live?  Currier Hall, 2nd floor, Iowa City
Where did you hang out?  The Java House, Gabe’s, Gunnerz
How was your hair style?  I think it was a little past my shoulders and blonde.
Who were your best friends?  Aside from my Always Friends (Sarah, Sara, Ruby, Emily), I spent the most time with Jeff and Tina, probably.  I think I hung out a fair amount with Buffy that year too.
Did you wear glasses?  Nope.  Well, I had some super-glamorous rhinestone sunglasses, but no prescription lenses.
Who was your regular-person crush?  I believe I had the hots for this guy Dave from my Italian class.  He was a good dresser but not very good at Italian.  It turns out my cousin Laura now knows him in St. Louis, completely separate from me.
How many tattoos did you have?  Zero, same as now.
How many piercings did you have?  Just the ears, same as now.
What car did you drive?  I was rolling Katoonis, my 1991 Geo Prizm.  Good old Katoonis.
What was your worst fear?  Well, duh.  My own death and the deaths of loved ones.  What else is there?
Had you been arrested?  Nah.
Had your heart been broken?  Just in the melodramatic teenage sense.
Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter?  Single, I guess.  Dating but nothing serious.

And now…

October 25, 2006

How old are you? 29
Where do you work? L’Università d’Iowa (though I call myself a freelance writer when I’m feeling preeny; I make a little money off it but not enough to quit my dayjob)
Where do you live?  In a house on the east side of Iowa City
Where do you hang out?  In a house on the east side of Iowa City.  Seriously, I’d rather be at home than anywhere else, unless it’s an exotic trip.  It seems like I spend a lot of time at work, too.
Do you wear glasses?  Still no, except for sunglasses, and my sunglasses nowadays are rhinestone-free.
What is your hairstyle?  Dark blonde, about chin length, some layers.  Curly or straight depending on the weather and if I blow dry it or not.
Who are your best friends?  My Always Friends remain.  Other good friends are Denny (of course), Alyssa, and Jamal.
Still talk to any of your old friends?  Absolutely.  I’ve lost touch with some, which is a shame, but I’ve kept in touch with a good number too.
How many piercings do you have?  Earlobe 1 and earlobe 2.
How many tattoos?  I don’t like tattoos, at least for me.
What kind of car do you have?  Donatella, my 1999 Chevy Prizm.  I also sometimes drive Jim, Denny’s VW Passat.
What is your biggest fear?  It never changes.
Have you been arrested since, if so, how many times times total?  No, I am a nice lady.
Has your heart been broken?  Depends on how you define it.  I have felt some pain, but fortunately not nearly as bad as some people have felt (such as the death of close friends or family members).
Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter?  Married to the kindest-hearted person I’ve ever met.  Lucky me!

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